Give us 3-5 adjectives that describe you…
Determined, empathetic, introvert
Briefly describe your job… what do you really do at EL?
I help customers troubleshoot issues and find solutions to problems across all ExploreLearning products.
What do you like about working at EL?
The people, the way we help educators and students, being remote-first, and that you feel like more than a number.
What's the most seriously fun thing you've ever done?
Went on a hike in a box canyon on the border of the US and Mexico out in West Texas with a pair of dogs. Even had to brace myself between two walks to shimmy across a slightly open part of it to get to the other side.
Why is STEM education important, in your personal opinion?
STEM takes both creative and an inquisitive mind. When not looked at from a purely informational standpoint, it takes creative thinking to try and test and experiment with concepts to find something new and revolutionary. It helps refine natural curiosity and expand upon it.
Artificial intelligence… friend or foe?
Friend when being used to refine processes and assist with research. Foe when trying to replace creatives in the arts – writing or painting/drawing.
Chemistry or Biology
Algebra or Geometry
Learn a language or learn how to code
how to code
Deep space or deep sea
both, they’ve been a shared fascination since I was small.
Bill Nye or Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Bill Nye
Einstein or Newton
Newton because we share the same supposed birthday: January 4th!
Star Wars or Star Trek
both; one for space magic and one for space utopia (mostly)
Keyboard or Paper + Pencil
both depending on the situation.
Playlists or podcasts
playlists, usually, but I do have a few podcasts I love.
In the classroom… Front row or back row
Back row
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