Give us 3-5 adjectives that describe you…
Generous, considerate, honest, witty
Briefly describe your job… what do you really do at EL?
I educate and align Teachers & Administrators needs to ExploreLearning solutions that will impact their students in STEM education.
What do you like about working at EL?
People & Product. It is an amazing group of people that work here with a vast background of different experiences, but what I enjoy most is the support and collaboration from everyone I have crossed paths with. I have the pleasure every day of seeing the impact our products have in the classroom and the engagement & excitement on students’ faces while using our resources, which motivates me to share with even more school districts.
What's the most seriously fun thing you've ever done?
Germany and Prague trip right after college with best friend. We had very little funds but an amazing experience. Contemplated opening a banana stand in Prague just so we could stay there longer.
What big STEM accomplishment do you think we’ll see happen in the next 100 years, and why are you excited about it?
Serious: Curing top 10 diseases. Fun: Pipenet, think Amazon on steroids….Google it.
Why is STEM education important, in your personal opinion?
It helps us evolve, improve, solve problems, understand; it is our future.
Time travel… past or future?
Future – I already know about the past.
Artificial intelligence… friend or foe?
Foe – have we all forgotten about The Terminator?
Chemistry or Biology
Biology – I enjoy life.
Algebra or Geometry
Algebra. Geometry makes my brain hurt.
Learn a language or learn how to code
I’ve always wanted to learn a second language.
Deep space or deep sea
Deep space. I think I’d be claustrophobic under water.
Bill Nye or Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Bill Nye. Seems more approachable.
Einstein or Newton
Newton, I disagree with Einstein’s theory on gravity.
Star Wars or Star Trek
Star Wars. Why is this even a debate?
Keyboard or Paper + Pencil
Paper and pencil. I’m old school, or maybe just old.
Playlists or podcasts
Podcasts. On the road too much and helps me focus.
In the classroom… Front row or back row
Front; if I’m paying for something, let’s get our money’s worth!
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