Briefly describe your job… what do you really do at EL?
I help school districts and schools use technology to help their students succeed in math and science.
What do you like about working at EL?
More than anything…believing wholeheartedly that our products help students gain the skills necessary to succeed in school.
What's the most seriously fun thing you've ever done?
I love hiking on or near the Appalachian Trail.
What big STEM accomplishment do you think we’ll see happen in the next 100 years, and why are you excited about it?
I just want to watch Nvidia’s stock keep climbing.
Why is STEM education important, in your personal opinion?
Access to careers with income potential, current and future society needs and job security are all possible in STEM related professions. The effort is worth it!
Time travel… past or future?
Past for sure…too many people and events I need to know more about than what we’ve learned.
Artificial intelligence… friend or foe?
Friend for now.
How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
Long enough to realize I miss the convenience of modern living.
Chemistry or Biology
Algebra or Geometry
Learn a language or learn how to code
Deep space or deep sea
Bill Nye or Neil DeGrasse Tyson
I like them both but I think I’d rather have a beer with NDT.
Einstein or Newton
Star Wars or Star Trek
Star Trek
Keyboard or Paper + Pencil
Paper + Pencil
Playlists or podcasts
In the classroom… Front row or back row
as long as I’m sitting on the end of the row it doesn’t matter.
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