Give us 3-5 adjectives that describe you…
Bubbly, caring, passionate
Briefly describe your job… what do you really do at EL?
An analytics engineer is a hybrid of data analyst and data engineer. That means I bring in data and find helpful insights in the data, aka what kind of stories does the data tell us!
What do you like about working at EL?
I love what EL stands for! I am passionate about education and helping other people!
What's the most seriously fun thing you've ever done?
I don’t think I can rank all the fun things I have ever done (I do A LOT of fun things!) but if I had to I would say write and self publish my own poetry book.
Why is STEM education important, in your personal opinion?
STEM takes both creative and an inquisitive mind. When not looked at from a purely informational standpoint, it takes creative thinking to try and test and experiment with concepts to find something new and revolutionary. It helps refine natural curiosity and expand upon it.
Tell us about one of your STEM mentors. Who inspired you, and how?
My first STEM mentor was my high school calculus teacher. She is who inspired me to major in math in college. She LOVED math just as much as me and let me write a math poem for my final!
Time travel… past or future?
Past – to ancient Greece or Rome!
Chemistry or Biology
Chemistry – I loved doing the conversions between MOLs and chemical compounds!
Algebra or Geometry
Algebra! It’s like a puzzle and more abstract
Learn a language or learn how to code
Learn a language! I started to learn Greek when I visited. It was so challenging yet so rewarding!
Deep space or deep sea
Deep space!
Bill Nye or Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Bill Nye!!!
Einstein or Newton
Einstein – I am biased because I want a Scottish fold kitten to name this and call him Little E
Star Wars or Star Trek
Star Wars – I am a complete Star Wars nerd and have met a lot of the characters at Disney’s Star Wars weekends in Florida
Keyboard or Paper + Pencil
Old school – good ol’ pencil and paper
Playlists or podcasts
In the classroom… Front row or back row
Front row – I’m a nerd!!!!
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