The Idaho State Department of Education reviews and evaluates new curricular material on a six-year adoption cycle. Materials are screened for content, organization, presentation, and quality. The department recently released its new list of curricular materials, and ExploreLearning Gizmos, Reflex, and Frax have been adopted as math materials.
In its review, the department noted the strengths of ExploreLearning products, saying:

“The strengths of the Gizmos program are that it provides hundreds of simulations that provide conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts and will help support the development of procedural ability. The program is organized in a clean manner which allows teachers to search by standard, keyword, or topic. The layout of the lesson is user-friendly and contains teacher guides, vocabulary sheets, student sheets, and five summative questions.”

“The strengths of this program are its online adaptive format and its usefulness in providing opportunities for students to practice and improve their math factual fluency. This program is available in English, Spanish, and French. The online platform is cloud-based and aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. Outstanding results show students of all ages and ability levels make great gains.”

“This program teaches 3rd grade fraction standards, starting at the very basic knowledge and goes in depth and beyond. There are many models and visuals to help students grasp and understand fractions. The offline components provide opportunities for additional practice, math discourse, vocabulary and fraction language use, and challenges/extensions.”
As we work to recover from two-plus years of interrupted and chaotic learning, we are seeing its effects. Recent NAEP math scores show that students are struggling with math, and schools are looking for ways to help students catch up, keep up, and succeed. ExploreLearning tools can help you get there in many ways. Whether you’re looking to extend the school day, or for remediation or RTI solutions, ExploreLearning is here to help Idaho students—and students all around the world.
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