New Frax Updates: Expanded Student Practice, Rewards, and More!
- April 01, 2022
- In the News
- Frax

We are excited to announce new updates to ExploreLearning Frax launched on Thursday, March 31. These major new features are designed to help students get extra practice with the fraction skills they are learning—and earn more rewards for it!
Sector Review
The bridge on the Sable just got an upgrade! The new Review room—open once a student completes Sector F—offers three daily quick-to-play games that reinforce all the new skills they’ve learned.
During Sector Review, students can earn tokens for playing games, unlock achievements, and measure each day’s progress with a green light indicator (like Reflex). And when they return on a new day, a different set of games and activities await! With so many motivating rewards, it’s a great way to keep students engaged in practicing their fractions skills.
The Review room opens when a student completes all Sector F missions
Frax teacher reports now include real-time and summary statistics for student work in Sector Review. Review the Reporting Features in Frax article for more information.
Replaying Mission Activities
Students can now get extra practice (and extra tokens!) by replaying previously completed missions.
Three daily games—and rewards—await in Sector Review!
Store Item Pricing
With mission replay and Sector Review, students can earn more token than ever in Frax. To compensate, we’ve adjusted store pricing on some items. But as kids know, practice has its rewards.
Muting Sounds and Music
Students now can mute sounds and music from the settings menu when playing Frax. New setting can turn music and sound on or off
See our Frax Teacher Guide to learn the full details of these features.
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