New Reflex Game has Students Building Flowers and Answering Math Facts
- August 06, 2021
- Product Updates
- Reflex

Just released—Gnome Flowers, a “gnew” game in Reflex Fact Fair! In Gnome Flowers, student work to build flowers for a bouquet. As they successfully answer math facts, petals are added to each flower’s stem until it’s complete (about 4-5 petals per stem). And with each quick response and completed bouquets, students earn fireflies that help them get their ticket to Reflex Island where the math games await!
Gnome Flowers joins other Fact Fair games that start each Reflex session with a quick check-in on student fluency.
Note: To access Gnome Flowers, iPad users must upgrade to the new app. The end of Apple 32-bit app support means we will discontinue version 1.7.1 of the Reflex iPad app this November. To maintain Reflex access, you must upgrade to version 2.0.0 by Nov. 24.
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