Here’s How Much Time is Needed for Edtech in the Classroom

Change in the classroom can be tough, whether it’s a choice you made as a teacher or an initiative brought to you by administration. Either way, variations to your usual teaching methods require extra work to make them effective for the teacher and the students.
Change can also be worthwhile and necessary to achieve the learning goals set for your classroom. Sure, research shows time is necessary to learn new tools and resources, which means more professional development for teachers. However, the time spent adequately preparing for using new educational technology can save
20-40% of the roughly 50 hours per week that many teachers work.
How does technology help teachers and students?
How does technology help teachers? Edtech can help teachers do more, leaving extra time and energy for other critical tasks. That means increased productivity! Lesson planning is streamlined because it can all be done in one place. Collaboration with other teachers is easier because assignments and information can be shared online. Individualized instruction is possible with tools like ExploreLearning Reflex, which delivers math facts at the right time through assessment, coaching, and practice by adapting as students progress through the games. With progress monitoring tools, teachers can measure results in real-time.
How does technology help students learn? Kids are digital natives! They are comfortable using technology and find edtech tools engaging and motivating. Collaboration with other students is not a problem online. Absent students can participate in class activities using edtech tools. Technology in the classroom allows teachers to bring learning opportunities to students that they wouldn’t have otherwise due to limitations like time, location, and resources. Without edtech tools like ExploreLearning Gizmos virtual simulations, students living in landlocked areas couldn’t experience ocean tides or the motion of a hurricane. That’s possible with technology for all students, regardless of their physical locations.
The benefits of edtech and time-saving strategies for teachers
There are many benefits of technology in the classroom. Saving time with edtech is a big bonus for teachers who already have their days scheduled down to the minute. Because
edtech resources have built-in lesson plans aligned with standards, lesson planning is a breeze. Upload them into the learning management system for easy access. What about assessments for learning goals? Yes, edtech tools have those, too. Teachers can grade assignments and message students and/or families for celebrations and concerns. There’s no need to bring home stacks of papers. Educators can do it all online anytime that it’s convenient for them with edtech tools.
Navigating professional development and educational technology training
Professional development and training are critical. This isn’t something to skim over. When changing teacher tools, learning from the people who know those products best is important. Explore the resources and ask questions. Trainers are there to support teachers in the classroom. Professional development time makes it easy to use edtech tools efficiently and effectively.
The impact of edtech on students
According to a recent EdWeek Market Brief survey, most teachers agree that students spend an hour or more of the school day using technology in the classroom. For example, after training for implementation, teachers can effectively use Science4Us for as little as 15 minutes a day. Gizmos STEM Cases take 30-90 minutes to complete. There’s an essential question when thinking about this fact. What is the impact of technology on student learning? The good news is that there are plenty of positive effects.
Let’s talk about student engagement and motivation. Students are excited about learning because many edtech tools have fun,
game-based approaches. Take Reflex, for example. Students are excited about getting the Green Light as they make steady progress. When students are engaged, they are more likely to use products with fidelity and achieve more.
Green Light in Reflex
Edtech tools make differentiation and individualization easier by meeting the students where they are and adapting instruction. Feedback and communication between teachers and students are possible while students work on lessons. They can ask questions, and teachers can check for understanding throughout the learning process and scaffold instruction as needed.
Enhance teaching, time, and engagement with edtech
What’s not to love about technology in the classroom? Technology enhances teaching and learning in so many ways.
- Streamlined planning and deliverability saves time for teachers
- Real-time reporting and progress monitoring
- Built-in lessons and assessments
- Adaptive, individualized systems, like Reflex and Frax
- Research-proven methods
- Differentiated instruction
- Increased student engagement
- Authentic learning activities, such as Gizmos STEM Cases
- Ease of planning and delivering lessons
What’s one of the most important reasons for implementing educational technology in the classroom? Using technology prepares students for upper-level learning and careers in an increasingly digital world. Students are surrounded by technology. Take the time to set up educational technology in your classroom. Invest in edtech tools that make a difference in today’s learning environment and tomorrow’s future.
ExploreLearning is dedicated to research-driven solutions for the most critical STEM learning needs. How about giving students in your classroom the opportunity to experience high-quality learning through our edtech tools? Start your trial today!
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