New and Not-so-New Teachers: Back-to-School Checklists

Maybe you’re preparing for your first year in the classroom. Perhaps you’re a veteran teacher who is switching buildings or grade levels. Either way, changes are happening, and you want to be ready for them.
Steps to ease back-to-school-stress
Back-to-school preparation takes a lot of work and some serious planning. New and veteran teachers understand you can’t just walk into a classroom on the first day of school and wing it. Keep reading for downloadable checklists to keep you on track for the big first day!
Meet with the principal and school staff
The best way to start any transition is to connect with people. This new group will be your lifeline for the school year, so get to know them.
You’ve probably already met with your principal, so meet the rest of the staff. Talk with teachers in your hallway and grade level. Greet the custodians and cafeteria staff. The people in the office will be invaluable, so spend time with them, asking questions about everything from copiers to faculty mailboxes.
Contact the nurse and counselors to determine the procedures for sending kids to those offices. Introduce yourself to the school resource officers and let them know your location in the building.
Organize your classroom and resources
Take inventory of supplies in your classroom and resources in your building. There could be some useful materials in your cupboards. Some things might need to be trashed to make room for new or updated supplies.
Don’t forget to test the technology and devices. Does everything work? Do you have enough for the expected number on your roster? Make sure you know the contacts for technology issues. Familiarize yourself with any online resources.
Familiarize yourself with the school layout and procedures
Walk through the building so that you know your way around. Where are the copiers and construction paper located? Does one teacher store specific literature sets or math manipulatives? What exits does your classroom use for emergency drills? Where do students go for arrival and dismissal times? Is there a place with school supplies available for students who are not able to bring their own?
Understand curriculum and student needs
Whether starting your first year of teaching or getting ready to step into a new school building or grade level, you must know your content and the kids. Curriculum and pacing guides will steer you in the right direction for lesson planning.
On the other hand, the students will show you their level of understanding, maturity, and needs every day. Respond in age-appropriate ways, which may take some practice if you switch from kindergarten to middle school.
Prepare for the excitement (and nerves) of the new school year
Back-to-school season is unlike any other. The excitement and anxiety are heightened to the point that teachers and students can’t sleep the night before that first day. With proper planning, your school year will be off to a great start.
Are you looking for tips geared towards first-year or veteran teachers changing grade levels or buildings? We’ve got you covered! Download your copy now.
As a new teacher, walking into your classroom on the first day of school can feel scary. No doubt about it! We’re here to help with tips designed just for you!

Are you a veteran teacher preparing for back to school in a new grade level or building? These tips are just for you as you find your spark in a different teaching situation.

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