Back to School Preparation and Summer Fun Can Coexist

Summer months always seem like the shortest ones of the year. Rest and relaxation are the top items on the list when the school doors close for summer break. Those goals quickly shift with the ticking of the clock. Unscheduled days are limited, and every teacher feels it. The trick is to use the days for rejuvenation while preparing for the upcoming year without sacrificing either.
There’s one thing that must happen first. Before any relaxing or planning can begin, teachers need to surrender the previous school year and all the emotions surrounding it. Reflect on the wonderful moments. Consider options for changes that must be made. Then, let it go. That year is over. Allow a fresh attitude to take the lead.
How do you prepare for the new year and maintain vacation mode during those precious weeks of summer? Let’s find out.

Tap into your inner artist. Use your interior design skills to make a new seating arrangement for your classroom. Create new posters with your rules and procedures. Consider decorating with a theme, such as superheroes, safari, or space.
Read. Take time to read some new or new-to-you titles from your favorite children’s book authors. Check out literary award lists for suggestions. You can have a read-aloud lineup ready for the first weeks of school.

Make a list and check it twice. This one is easy and ongoing. Write it down whenever you have a brilliant idea for a lesson or remember a task that must be completed. Add them to a planner or a virtual task management system.
Mix chores with fun. The new set of math manipulatives needs labels. Those tattered restroom passes can’t be used again. Your classroom library checkout system requires an overhaul. Why not binge-watch a series while tackling some jobs that take time but don’t require a lot of mental energy?

Watch for deals. The new school season means new school supplies. Because teachers must purchase many items used in classrooms, it’s important to find the lowest prices. Make a list of the essential supplies you need, and pay attention to bargains throughout the summer. Save receipts in case your school or parent organization reimburses for certain purchases.
Review your policies. Chances are good that some classroom rules or procedures need updates. What worked? What could be improved? Make your class expectations easy for everyone to understand and follow from the beginning of school to the end.

Plan with your teacher friends. Everything is better when friends are involved, right? Walk on a trail while discussing math interventions. Plan the first day of school assembly while sharing a pizza. Sip a frozen latte at your favorite coffee shop and brainstorm ideas for new resources and lessons.
Teaching isn’t just a job. It’s a calling. Take these summer months to refresh and bring your best when you return to your classroom for the new school year.
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