Latest Product Updates
January 2025
- Frax Reporting, Charts and Print/PDF/Export Functionality: We added a Group Progress bar chart that displays the percentage of students that completed each mission on a mission-by-mission basis. Additionally, we added a new bar chart on the Understandings page that displays the class-level progress for each skill. Finally, we added Print/Save as PDF/Export icons to all Frax Teacher Reporting App pages.
- Released a new STEM Case: Tackling Concussions: Testing Helmet Design Using Laws of Motion
Previous product updates
October - December 2024
All Products:
- All Product Navigation Bar: Updated resource links, including the new Help Center hub for product support information.
- Reflex Competitions:
- With Reflex Competitions teachers can now host competitions between different classrooms within the same school. This allows students in one class to compete against other classes, boosting engagement, creating friendly rivalry, and motivating students to improve their math fact fluency! Now teachers can:
- Create and challenge other teachers within their institution to Green Light Day Competitions
- Accept Competition invitations from other teachers
- View class and individual student leaderboards on in-progress or finished Competitionsv
- Print certificates to celebrate class success, upon the completion of a Competition
- Added support to allow teachers to reuse the same team avatar and color, as well as team name from previous Competitions
- Exclude Students: We have added support to allow teachers to edit the group of students participating in a Competition. Teachers can now remove a student from a Competition before it begins.
- With Reflex Competitions teachers can now host competitions between different classrooms within the same school. This allows students in one class to compete against other classes, boosting engagement, creating friendly rivalry, and motivating students to improve their math fact fluency! Now teachers can:
July - September 2024
- Gizmos:
- Released a new STEM Case: River Detective: The Case of the Missing Shad
- Frax:
- Student App, Sector 2 Mission and Sector Review Enhancement: We've made improvements to several Sector 2 missions and activities, ensuring a smoother student experience.