Why Do Students Need to Complete Sector 1 Before Sector 2?

ExploreLearning Frax uses the latest evidence-based research and instructional methods to create a better way to learn fractions. When students use Frax, they complete space-themed missions grouped by Sectors on the Frax Galaxy Map. Frax missions are structured as game-based challenges, allowing students to learn by doing as they progress through carefully scaffolded instruction.
About Frax
In Frax Sector 1, students venture through 27 missions as they develop a strong conceptual understanding of fractions as numbers. After completing Sector 1, students unlock 30 new missions in Sector 2, where they continue to build on that foundation, applying their deep fraction number sense to more difficult topics such as equivalence, addition and subtraction, and comparison.
Students build foundational skills and deeper understandings of fraction concepts within each mission of Frax. There is coherence across Sectors 1 and 2 with connections between representations that students can only fully understand by completing the Sectors in sequence. Completing Sector 1 before Sector 2 leads to more efficient and beneficial fractions instruction for teachers and students in the classroom.
When should teachers use Frax?
For optimal outcomes, teachers can propel learning by using Frax before starting their fractions unit. Since Sector 1 is designed as a zero-entry program, students with no previous fractions knowledge can begin using the program immediately.
Sector 1 targets topics typically addressed in grade 3, and Sector 2 targets those typically addressed in grade 4. However, grade 4 students who have not yet completed Sector 1 will still benefit significantly from completing it. Even if these students do not complete Sector 2 before the fractions unit, finishing Sector 1 will ensure all students approach classroom instruction with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.
Research found that at-risk students who completed Sector 1 were two times more likely to reach on-grade level proficiency by the end of 4th grade compared to similar non-Frax users.
Why do students need to complete Sector 1 before Sector 2?
- Foundational skills and understandings: Sector 1 instruction lays the conceptual groundwork that the rest of Frax is built upon, helping students understand fractions as numbers. This, in turn, allows them to represent and reason about fraction magnitude (size) using length models, number lines, and area models. Students develop key number line proficiency leveraged throughout Sector 2, which is crucial for long-term math success and future algebraic work.
- Shared classroom understanding: As students progress from Sector 1 to Sector 2, they develop a mutual understanding of key concepts, skills, and vocabulary they can apply during teacher-led instruction. Students who develop a shared understanding of fractions can perform more complex fractions tasks with greater ease, allowing teachers greater autonomy and creativity to teach.
- Sustained math achievement: Students who complete Sectors 1 and 2 demonstrate greater learning gains in fractions and overall math achievement. A two-year study found the more students used Frax, the higher their achievement scores were, especially for the most academically at-risk students. Sector 2 builds on the conceptual skills developed in Sector 1, giving all students a powerful foundational understanding to accelerate into more complex topics.
- Powerful results: With a moderate investment of time (on average 13 hours to complete Sector 1), students of all ability levels can succeed with fractions, creating immediate achievement gains and, more importantly, eliminating major barriers to future success and opportunity.
Experience Frax
Looking for a more effective (and fun) way to teach fractions? Advance your students’ understanding with research-based fractions games in Frax. Your students can begin using Sector 1 today with a free classroom trial!