Fractions: 15 ways you're going to need this "stuff" in real life
Fractions are such a ubiquitous part of daily life that most of us don’t even know when or where we’re using them. From meal prep to sports to medications to paychecks, fractions—and their counterpart, percentages—help us get things done. If your students are asking when they’re ever going to need to know fractions or what is the importance of understanding fractions in daily life, here’s a list of the 15 ways fractions are used every day.
The role of fractions and percentages in money management
- If your allowance is weekly, how much do you make in a year? Does it go up every year? By what percentage?
- How much of your pay goes to healthcare?
- You sign a contract that contains a late fee—how much is 5% of the monthly payment?
- That report is due by quarter to 3. How much is a quarter, time-wise?
- How many new customers can you bring in in a month? Can you bring in 10% more? Could you do it for a 10% raise?

The use of fractions in daily life
- How far can you get on half a tank of gas?
- The recipe makes 4 servings and you need 6. And what if the recipe calls for tablespoons, and all you have is a teaspoon?
- Speaking of cooking—when shopping for groceries (or anything else), don’t forget the sales tax!
- Taking medications: “Take half a tablet twice a day.”
- How many slices in a large pizza? How many pizzas will we need to feed everyone on the team if everyone gets three slices? How many want pineapple on their pizza, and can we lock them out of the house if they do?
Practical applications of fractions and percentages in everyday scenarios
- Music isn’t possible without math. Whole notes, eighth notes, rests—in the right order, they’re your favorite song. In the wrong order, it’s nothing but noise. Or “Baby Shark.”
- Out to dinner with friends, and the waiter only gives you one check? Want to split the bill evenly? You’d better know fractions to figure out your part of the tax and tip.
- In sports, there is a huge interest in statistics and percentages. What are the odds that that player makes that three-pointer? How much farther down the field does the team have to go for a first down?
- Splurging on a fancy drink at the local coffee shop? What proportions of ingredients are needed for it to taste the way you like it?
- Those gorgeous shoes are out of your price range, but could you afford them if they were 25% off? By the way, they look GREAT on you!
Mastering fractions for a future of invaluable life skills with Frax
No, you can’t do much without fractions! But learning fractions can be daunting. ExploreLearning Frax can help fractions finally make sense. With Frax, students come to understand that fractions are numbers too. The fun challenges, personalized instruction, and motivating rewards help students build their skills and understanding – all while exploring the galaxy with fractions!
Incorporating edtech tools like Frax into education helps students grasp fraction concepts and understand their practical applications in daily life. This hands-on approach not only improves academic performance but also equips students with essential life skills for navigating real-world challenges! Frax transforms fractions from a mere mathematical concept into a key that unlocks practical wisdom, empowering students to confidently make informed decisions in various aspects of their lives.
But the benefits aren’t only for students. When your learners approach a fractions unit with a shared foundational understanding of math concepts, you are empowered to teach in ways only you can do best. Instructional time opens up for advanced project-based learning, classroom discourse, group work, and more that wouldn’t be possible without a conceptual knowledge of fractions.